Carrie Thorne, ESMT
Hamilton Ridge Farm, Inc Leslie, MI
Specializing in Retired and 'Special Needs' Horses Post-surgical, Post-Colic, Broodmares, and Foaling
-Pasture and stall board available
-Large grass pastures with run-in shelters
-12x12 stalls with rubber mats and dutch
-12x24 foaling stall
-Small 'recovery' paddock or turnout for
mares and foals
-We live on site and can provide 24 hour a
day care
-Outdoor sand riding ring
-Grass paths around pastures for riding
-Safe Ramm Fencing
Board Rates
Pasture Board- $265/month
-Includes large run-in shelters
-Feed 2x's per day (hay/grain)
-Stalled in bad weather at no charge
Stall Board- $325/month
-Stalled at night or during day (owner
-Feed 2xs per day
-Dutch doors in stalls
Broodmare Care- $600/month
-last month of pregnancy through
**Specialized feed programs available**
**Discounts for multiple horses**
**Call for pricing for injury/illness care**
-Supplements fed at no additional charge,
provided by horse owner
-Fly Masks and Blankets put on and taken off at
no charge, provided by horse owner
-Farrier and Vet scheduled regularly by farm, or
you can bring in your own vet/farrier
'Specialized Care' Available Including broodmare care, foaling, post-surgical care, bandaging of wounds/surgery sites, post-colic care/feeding, and other specialized care needs.***